

This is a portfolio of original spec ad copy.

FIDELITY - “Boring Works”

It’s hard always being the responsible one in the room, but with Robinhood enabling young investors to go buck wild with their investment money, being the responsible one is an asset. Fidelity’s approach to building personal wealth might be the boring way, but it works.

BEYOND MEAT - “Tastes so good, you won’t care.”

Beyond Meat is on a mission to improve human health and animal welfare, make a positive impact on climate change, and address global resource constraints. But some people don’t care about any of that; they just want a delicious burger. This campaign is aimed towards people worried that Beyond Meat won’t satisfy like a real meat burger. Spoiler alert, it does.

STELLA & CHEWY’S - “Sorry, it’s just for dogs.”

Dog food so enticing that cats, horses, and lizards would go so far as to disguise themselves in dog costumes just to sneak a taste? You’d better believe it. (Illustrations by Danielle Heitmuller.)

PUBLIC STORAGE - “We’ll hold on to that for you.”

Some things you just don’t feel right getting rid of, but that doesn’t mean they need to clutter your home. Fool your friends and give the appearance of a minimalist lifestyle with the help of Public Storage.